Unison league transmutation
Unison league transmutation

unison league transmutation

So he surrounds himself now with his most trusted friends. So then on he made a goal to become the Fuhrer, to stop meaningless wars, and to help people like he wanted to do. Only Later to realized that he was protecting his men, his allies, his friends from being killed themselves. He felt like a killer, like a murderer, when his only intentions were to help people, not take their lives. During this "Massacre", Roy has a very negative view of things. The sniper was later revealed to be Hawkeye. During these events he ran into Maes Hughes as they reminisced about the past and why this war started, they were ambushed by Ishballen people, but were saved by a sniper. Like other State Alchemists, Roy was sent to Ishbal to raze the region, for the Army could not subdue this area.

unison league transmutation

Before Riza's dad died, he asked for Mustang to look after her. His method of keeping this information with her was with markings on her back. Though he left all Mustang needed to know with his daughter Riza. Though before he could explain more, Hawkeye's father died from a health condition.

unison league transmutation

When his teacher found out he wanted to join the military, he was displeased, but still agreed to teach him the strongest alchemy he knew as long as Roy's intentions for using it were for good. Roy Mustang believed that with this power, he could help people, save people. He was his teacher, and taught his flame alchemy. Roy Mustang learned his Alchemy from Riza Hawkeye's father.

Unison league transmutation