The eyes of ara shield puzzle
The eyes of ara shield puzzle

the eyes of ara shield puzzle

She has developed two distinctive features during the events of Red Sister Hereyes are entirely black from taking the Black Cure antidote and she has no shadow due to cutting it off during her attempt to save Hessa. She wears her hair short, which is noticeably thick and unruly. Due to this new diet and regular training, she is strongly muscled and even taller than some of her fellow novices. This changed as she got older and joined Sweet Mercy. When she was younger she was unusually small and skinny for her age, likely from life as a poor and malnourished peasant. Nona is very pale, with the traditional hunska traits of dark eyes and hair. 5 Hole.Appearance and Personality Appearance.There you’ll find a few checkboxes for highlighting puzzle items and/or hidden pickups that should make things a little easier for you. If you find yourself having a tough time locating small collectibles or puzzle elements, look at the Options menu.You may even find a few collectibles you missed! Take some time to relax and come back with fresh eyes. It could be that you’re missing a puzzle piece or clue that’s hidden in another room. If you hit a wall while trying to decipher a particular puzzle, sometimes it’s best to just come back later.It also conveniently narrows down the number of interactable places in a room, which makes finding other goodies you may have missed a lot easier. This is a handy way of knowing when you have no reason to go back to an area. Once you’ve solved a given puzzle or found all you can find in a spot where you can zoom in (like the top of a desk, for example), you won’t be able to investigate that specific area any longer.Keep a sharp eye, and try tapping around all the little nooks and crannies – you never know when you’ll find coins, photos, and the like tucked away somewhere. There are a number of items throughout the game that don’t have any influence over the many puzzles you’ll encounter, but instead reveal additional story bits.If you need something, chances are you’ll be able to spot it in the environment. So don’t worry too much about trying to search inside desk drawers or under statues for things you’re missing. All of the clues, items and, documents you’ll need are sitting out in plain sight or hidden behind obvious puzzles.Keep an eye out for things scribbled in the margins or text that might pertain to a puzzle. The documents you’ll find scattered around are a good way to learn more about the history of the castle and the people who used to live there, but they can also reveal clues to various puzzles.


If you can’t quite figure out how to solve a puzzle, check your inventory to see if there might be ways to manipulate your items that might help. From this view, you can spin the object around or sometimes even manipulate it. Anything you pick up and add to your inventory can be more closely inspected by tapping on it in the inventory bar.Worst case scenario nothing happens and best case you end up finding something important. If you see something that looks like it could be puzzle-related, or even something that looks a little out of place, give it a tap anyway. Another thing that helps if you get stuck is to see if there might be any interactions in the room you may have missed.

the eyes of ara shield puzzle

Here are the top 10 tips, tricks, and cheats you need to know for The Eyes of Ara. With this bit of advice, you’ll become a puzzle master and discover the truth in a quicker manner. Thankfully, the game’s talented developers have concocted an essential tips guide for newcomers. Getting to the bottom of the castle’s biggest mystery means you’ll have to use every bit of logic you have in you. After an unseen force begins sending out a mysterious signal, you are put on a path to discovering the meaning behind it. Grab it from the App Store today: /us/app/the-eyes-of-ara/id1380630756 T14:01:03.000ZĪ mysterious castle with untold secrets resting inside are now begging to be discovered.ġ00 Stones Interactive’s The Eyes of Ara pushes you to solve the many brainteasers also lying inside it. Solve elaborate puzzles, uncover lost treasures, and unravel a mystery bridging the scientific and the arcane. Explore a vast, ancient castle riddled with secret vaults and hidden rooms. The Eyes of Ara – iOS Launch Trailer Lose yourself in a stunning puzzle adventure set in a gorgeous 3D environment.

The eyes of ara shield puzzle